Logan Paul Apology Video Script. In the video, mr paul and his friends visit a japanese forest famous for the number of suicides that occur within its bounds. I made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and i don't expect to be forgiven. We produce a variety of material on this channel that is suitable for a wide range of audiences. I'm trying to understand why logan paul even thought it was a good idea to. I have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, and i don't expect to be forgiven, he said in a video apology posted to twitter. We produce a variety of material on this channel that is suitable for a wide range of audiences. Following the criticism of his initial video, logan took to twitter to apologize and then later followed up with a video posted to both youtube and his twitter in which he said he had severe and continuous. Youtuber ttlyteala talks on her personal relationship with logan paul and how 'disgusted' she was after watching his video in japan. This time in video form.I'm trying to understand why logan paul even thought it was a good idea to.
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